


Creating a Netflix-like media platform that contains a huge base of high quality video/audio podcasts, Mini-series and events related.

Web Application


Client's aim was to create an app that can allow vendors from different marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay etc to create market forecasts about products they plan to sell.

Web Application


Creating a publishing platform for Tamil community in order to connect it through a storytelling and create a positive picture of Tamil community for the rest of the world.

Web Application

My Luminette

Build a Ecommerce website in order to sell and promote Light therapy devices.

Web Application

Motor Sich

Our task was to create a website for the Motor Sich company. Motor Sich is one of the world's leading enterprises in the production of aircraft engines for airplanes and helicopters, as well as industrial gas turbine units.

Web Application


This project relates to furnishing and apartment designs. It has to be a community of people who are deep in love with room designing and have relevant skills in order to help people in need to find the best look for their apartments, find the best and the most suitable furnishing. This platform also has to help some furnishing vendors to promote their goods easily.

Web Application

Car Sharing

A webapp is designed to provide for potential passengers, who is looking for a cheap ride, a list of available rides in particular locations and book a suitable one.

Web Application

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