

SaaS Web Application


Sales and Marketing

Our Participation

Front-end, Back-end, QA

Client's aim was to create an app that can allow vendors from different marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay etc to create market forecasts about products they plan to sell.

An app that helps potential and existing vendors of Amazon and Ebay to analyze which products are more valuable at some particular marketplace. It also allows us to check initial investments and compare between competitors using different factors.



Register a user with social networks or email.

Edit profile, extend it with some more additional info like frequently used marketplace.

Review the list of added products. Change subscription plan.


Add Products

Add products manually.

Add products with .csv file from any marketplace plugin.


Analyze Product

Product or products can be analyzed with calculation module and user will get a data about its value when selling on marketplace.


Product Comparison

Two or more products can be compared one to another and user will see graphs that show its cash conversion cycle, initial investment, self-sustainability and profit within chosen timeline.

There are few different prediction models that allow users to create flexible comparison for a new product they want to sell on market.


Model Creation

Admin can create custom model with required prediction settings and adjust it to selected users.

  • - review the list of all the users;
  • - delete the users;
  • - edit the users;
  • - ban the users;
  • - review the list of all transactions.


Challenge #1

#1. Comparison Issue

After deleting a product from a comparison session data about deleted product was still available.


After deleting a product new session was created automatically and recalculation activated.

Challenge #2

#2. Cash Conversion Cycle incorrect calculation

Issue laid in a complex formula that actually was conflicting with different product parameters and calculation was going wrong.


Creating separate formula that allowed to calculate conversion cycle in a proper way.


4 months

Our participation

2 back-end developers

1 front-end developer

1 QA engineer

1 project manager

Used Technologies


PHP, Laravel, Docker, MySQL, Redis.

Client-side & Tools

Vue.js, GitLab, Gmail API, Facebook API.

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