Motor Sich


Web Application


Helicopters and different aircraft equipment manufacturing

Our Participation

Front-end, Back-end, UX/UI, QA

Our task was to create a website for the Motor Sich company. Motor Sich is one of the world's leading enterprises in the production of aircraft engines for airplanes and helicopters, as well as industrial gas turbine units. The company has more than 100 years of history and a lot of areas of commercial activity as well as non-commercial. Motor Sich offers a wide range of services in different fields of activities ranging from maintenance and repair of all our products to transportation, telecommunications, diagnostic-and-treatment, health resorts and hotels.


Such a complex structure of the company entails a complex process of information systematizing on the website pages.Website contains a lot of information including: general information, lists of services, documentation, tender section, recruitment section, information for investors and shareholders of the company and much more.


Such a large structure should remain convenient and logical for the site user. The complex UX/UI process took about a month and we were able to achieve intuitive site usage. This stage was the most important and required joint work of designers, project manager and client. A well-developed UX/UI design allowed us to handle web development quickly and get a ready-made complex website.



UX/UI - 1 month

Development - 2 months

Our participation

1 back-end developers

1 front-end developers

2 designers

1 QA engineer

Used Technologies

WordPress 5.5.1

Custom theme, SASS, Apache2, MySQL


ACF Pro, Image Hotspot by DevVN, WP Multilang

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