
Web Application


Science and Media

Our Participation

Front-end, Back-end, QA

Creating a Netflix-like mediaplatform that contains a huge base of high quality video/audio podcasts, Mini-series and events related to the research practices of all new experiences and technologies: marketing, psychology, sociology, IT, the possible fields of human activity. Platform contains the results of various studies and researches of a great number of talented researchers and is intended to share their knowledge with everyone.


User Roles

Ordinary users (subscribers)

Ordinary users are able to review the content.


Admins are able to create other users and set their role: ordinary user or admin; upload the content through the dashboard.



General sign up/in process using an email address and some contact/personality information (Name, Company and position,unique handle in @handle format that will allow to search the users in future; etc.)

Registration flow is broken down by 3 steps: input the email address, create a password and fill up personal info. Subscription flow will be added later on.




There are 3 main essences on the platform.

Video Podcasts

Just a single video-talks dedicated to the different specific themes.


Special category that contains multiple videos related to the series theme. Basically it’s like a TV Show with multiple episodes that has a scientific nature.


This section contains records from different research conferences, forums etc, that are being conducted by the UXR team.

The content for these sections is being managed from the admin dashboard.


Admin Dashboard

Here the admins are able to do the following:

Upload content for the video podcasts, events and mini-series.

Manage users: create new ones, delete existing and set their roles either it’s the ordinary user or the admin.

Account Settings

The account settings include the ability to change personal data, credentials, subscription plans and billing data.



Challenge #1

#1. AWS Media Convert First Experience

During the project research, we decided that the best option to use for this type of platform from the perspective of fast and stable video conversion is AWS MediaConvert.We didn't have any experience with AWS MediaConvert before this application. At the same time the timeframe for the project delivery was quite narrow but we still decided to give the tool a shot. The biggest issue we faced was the timings of big-sized videos processing. 1-3gb videos were taken around 10-15 minutes to convert, which is too long.


Even though it was tough, we were able to configure the service that converts the big-sized videos (3-5gb) into several qualities (from HD to 240p) within 5-8 minutes. Videos smaller than 1gb are being processed within a minute.


Ongoing project

(started July 2020)

Our participation

1 back-end developer

1 front-end developer

1 project manager

Used Technologies


PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Digital Ocean, AWS

Client-side & Tools

Vue.js, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, HTML, CSS, GitLab, AWS Media Convert

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